Tuesday, August 10, 2021


Welcome to the Charlie Company (1966-68) 4th Battalion (Mechanized), 23rd Infantry Regiment blog!  Please feel free to look for old friends, share memories, and find information about our annual reunions.

Unfortunately, our 2020 and 2021 reunions were canceled as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.  However, a 2022 reunion was held at Columbus, GA, near Fort Benning.  

Our 14th reunion is scheduled for September 27 to October 1, 2023.  Dates and hotel information can be viewed by clicking on the "Upcoming Events" tab above.

Our reunions are mostly “free-form” and casual.  Jeans, shorts, and T-shirts are welcome.  Some wear shirts and hats commemorating their service in Vietnam.  Men meet, often for the first time in recent history, and are refreshed and energized by the bond that connects them to their combat brothers.

If you are a 4/23 Charlie Company veteran, or a family member of one, and have never attended our reunions before, you are most welcome to join us at our next reunion.  

2022 Reunion in Columbus, GA

1st Platoon

2nd Platoon

3rd Platoon


Outside the Army Museum of the United States

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